When pop music goes punk

  Check out this amazing cover by I Prevail of Tatlor Swift’s Blank Space from the latest ‘Punk Goes Pop’ album:     Until next time, here is to beers, cheers and Mickey Ears! °o°...

Disney Infinity 2.0

Ok, so I don’t play very many games but Disney Infinity is ridiculous amounts of fun. In general, I love the photo realism in many of the titles that are currently available but some are a little too real and with 2 young boys some of the gore is a little hard...
Podketeers Holiday Giveaway 2014

Podketeers Holiday Giveaway 2014

First off, thanks for listening! With out you there would be no Podketeers podcast and we sincerely appreciate it! As a way of saying thank you we wanted to give away 5 gifts this holiday season! We will be giving away: 3 Podketeers t-shirts a copy of Jeff...

Pumpkin carving at Big Thunder Ranch

If you missed the pumpkin carving at Big Thunder Ranch last year, never fear because it’s back starting September 12th, 2014! Among others, you’ll get to see the talents of Bridget McCarty and Joe Yakovetic. If you missed them at Scare LA (or last year at...

We’re now on Stitcher!

We’ve been approved and are now available on Stitcher! Click on the image to link to our Stitcher page: If you know any friends that like using Stitcher and might also like us, point them to our podcast! Happy listening!