The one-man show written by Menken will be directed by Richard Kraft who was the creative director for the highly acclaimed Disney’s The Little Mermaid in Concert at the Hollywood Bowl starring Sara Bareilles and Rebel Wilson. It will be produced by Laura Engel, Richard Kraft and Alison Ahart Williams, and Tim Fox whose credits include The Nightmare Before Christmas in Concert at the Hollywood Bowl, Disney’s The Little Mermaid in Concert at The Hollywood Bowl, and the receient recipient of two Emmy awards for its PBS broadcast Live from Lincoln Center: Danny Elfman’s Music from the Films of Tim Burton.
This is set to be an amazing and unforgettable event. It is scheduled for Sunday, July 16, 2017 with performances at 1:30pm and 5:00pm in Hall D23 of the Anaheim Convention Center.
Tickets are available now by visiting