First off, thanks for listening! With out you there would be no Podketeers podcast and we sincerely appreciate it! As a way of saying thank you we wanted to give away 5 gifts this holiday season! We will be giving away:
- 3 Podketeers t-shirts
- a copy of Jeff Heimbuch’s new book Main Street Windows
- a 2 Kindle eBook Bundle (Disneyland’s Hidden Mickeys (4th Edition) by Steven M. Barrett and It’s Kind of a Cute Story by Rolly Crump)
An image for each item being given away will be posted daily on Facebook and Instagram starting 12/1/14 thru 12/5/14. So how do you enter? It’s simple, you’ll have 2 chances to enter:
On Facebook:
Head over to our Facebook page and find one of the gift posts. Make sure that you Like the post and leave a Comment saying ‘I Wanna Win’. If you don’t do both, you won’t be entered in the drawing for that gift. While you’re there, if you haven’t done so, please Like the Podketeers page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/podketeers).
On Instagram:
Follow us on Instagram and Like the post and leave a Comment saying ‘I Wanna Win’. Just like on Facebook, if you don’t do both you won’t be entered in the drawing for that gift. If you know someone that might want to enter, please tag them in the post. We’re @Podketeers on Instagram (www.instagram.com/podketeers).
Here is a preemptive FAQ:
- Will you be giving away bacon? No. Maybe next year though.
- Can I enter on both Instagram and Facebook? Yup. This gives you two chances to win per day.
- So, you’re saying there’s a possibility of me winning more than one prize? Yup.
- Awesome. We thought so!
- Do I have to buy something to enter? Nope.
- Do I really have to ‘Like‘ your page on Facebook to enter? Yes. Well, no. Not really… but it would be really nice if you did… and told your friends to like it would be cool too. 🙂
- Are unicorns real? Come on. We all know the answer to that question. 😉
The deadline to enter all giveaways will be 12:01 AM on 12/6/14. The winners will be drawn on 12/6/14 and will be announced on Facebook and Instagram but will also be announced on the 12/10/14 episode of Podketeers!
Good luck to you all and until next time, here is to Beers, Cheers and Mickey Ears!