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During the episode Javier mentions the “A” in front of California Adventure. These 12 foot tall letters spelled out the word California and were icons of the park between 2001 and 2011. If you don’t know about this, see the photo below:

Photo credit Disney Parks Blog
California Adventure was a symbol of “all things good in California” including a boardwalk and replica of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Hyperion theater and a other iconic landmarks throughout the state. Unfortunately the park didn’t take off as well as the Disney company wanted it to and in 2007 it was announced that a 5 year expansion would take place and that gave us Cars Land and Buena Vista Street. The letters were no longer needed as they no longer fit the theme but worry not! The letter were donated at the 160th State Fair to Cal Expo (California Exposition & State Fair) up Sacramento, CA. Will 2015 bring us more announcements and changes
The pin set that Mario talked about in this episode is called the ‘100 Years of Dreams‘ and were originally sold at Disney Stores. The first pin was released September 22, 2001 and was released to commemorate Walt Disney’s 100th birthday. The original pin set had 99 pins and the 100th pin was to be one commemorating the state you live in; all together there were 149 pins. Shown below are pins 1 and 99:

Pin #1 – Photo courtesy of
If you want to see a good compilation of the entire set (minus the state pins) check out the site ‘Pin Pics’ or click on the following link:
Disney Store – 100 Years of Dreams Pin Set
393 South Tustin Street, Orange, CA 92866 – (714) 289-2400
You can also click on the image and it will take you to their website.
Thank you for an awesome 2014!
I am not sure where you are having people input their birthday for a birthday shout out but I figured I could just email in it anyways! January 25, 1985….30 years old! I am such a fan of the podcast and I look forward to each episode. I cant wait for the movie meet up at downtown Disney. Keep up the great work!
Sorry for the delay in setting up the page, Ashley. You can go to to sign up now. 🙂