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Tower of the weird
During the development of the Haunted Mansion, Rolly Crump created many “artifacts from around the world” to display as part of the attraction. The items were very strange and Walt liked them so much that he wanted to dedicate an entire section strictly for these items called ‘The Museum of the Weird’.
Sadly, Walt passed away before the Mansion could be finalized and the Museum of the Weird never materialized but many of Rolly’s ideas would still end up in the home of the happy haunts.
One of the concepts that didn’t make it was the Tower of the Weird. Although it was never built for the Mansion, Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily for an art show dedicated to Rolly and the Museum of the Weird back in 2014.

Here Lie Your Pets
Outside of the Haunted Mansion (to the left of the main entrance) is a small pet cemetery. Although this area is now only accessible by cast members, you can still catch a small glimpse if you leave the attraction though the small gates.
We are excited to announce that we’ll be participating in the first ever Virtual CHOC Walk to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Orange County!
or the first time, this year’s walk will be a virtual experience! Even though this year has been a less than optimal we still want to do what we can to help the children at CHOC!
You can make a difference by making a donation using the link below or by joining our team to help raise money! Our current goal is to raise $1000. We would also like to encourage you to share our donation link as we work towards building a better future.
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