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Have you had a chance to check out the new art work at the Disneyana Gallery on Main Street, USA? Check out the artists below:

(from left-to-right) Jeremy Fulton, Miss Mindy, Bridget McCarty, Daniel Killen, Paul Lopez, Larry Nikolai, Dave Avanzino and Steve Adams.
If you would like to check out the entire set of photos that Heyzen took, click on the image to go to his website. There are also some photos from Dapper Day for you to check out.
The churro dog is here… kinda. The $8.50 invention will be sold during the upcoming season for the Diamondback in Arizona at Chase Field. This comes on the tail end of the successful run of the “D-Bat Dog”, an 18-inch bacon-and-cheese stuffed corn dog (#yum, right!?). The desert consists of a long maple glazed donut, with a warm churro inside, topped with frozen yogurt (which we mistakenly say is ice cream on the podcast) and it topped with whipped cream, and chocolate and caramel drizzle. What do you think of this? Does it look delicious or just plain gross? Are you willing to drive to Arizona or just try to make our own? Leave your thoughts down below!

Photo Arizona Diamondbacks
The rumor floating around when we recorded this episode was that Innoventions would be closing at the end of March and since then the rumors were confirmed as true by the Disney Company. Although it still remains to be seen what is going to happen to the structure, more rumors have started to circulate regarding what will be in the building next. Leave us your thoughts below on what you think is next for Innoventions.
By the way, we’re still trying to get Alex Hirsch on the podcast. You can help us try to get Alex on the podcast by sending him a tweet with the hashtag #HirschOnPodketeers. The video below was the last one we put up.