Matchup schedule
Voting for each match-up will run for 24 hours starting via the Podketeers Instagram Stories using the “Poll Sticker” feature. Here are the match-ups and results:
Homer Simpson [Winner] vs. Sideshow Bob
Bart Simpson [Winner] vs. Moe The Bartender
Mr. Burns vs. Maggie SImpson [Winner]
Lisa Simpson [Winner] vs Krusty The Clown
Dr. Nick vs. Barney [Winner]
Grampa Simpson vs. Ralph Wiggum [Winner]
Ned Flanders [Winner] vs. Groundskeeper Willie
Comic Book Guy [Winner] vs. Troy McClure
Homer Simpson [Winner] vs. Barney
Bart Simpson [Winner] vs. Ralph Wiggum
Ned Flanders vs. Maggie Simpson [Winner]
Comic Book Guy vs Lisa Simpson [Winner]
Homer Simpson vs. Maggie Simpson [TIE]
Bart Simpson vs. Lisa Simpson [TIE]
ROUND 3 (Tie-Breaker Round)
Homer Simpson [Winner] vs. Maggie Simpson
Bart Simpson [Winner] vs. Lisa Simpson
Homer Simpson vs. Bart Simpson [Winner]
Other March Mayhem Tournaments
March Mayhem 2018 - Disneyland Attractions
March Mayhem 2019 - Animated Characters
March Mayhem 2020 - Gold vs Millenium vs Silver vs Renaissance
March Mayhem (In April) 2020 - Pre 1980 Disney Films Vs Post 1980 Disney Films
March Mayhem (In April) 2021 - Extinct Attractions
March Mayhem 2022 - Disney Snacks
March Mayhem 2023 - Favorite Disney Quote
[Raiders] March Mayhem (in April but in July) 2023 - The Many Faces of Indiana Jones
March Mayhem 2024 - The Simpsons